Scrolling Infographics
At my previous company, we often struggled with making informative content that was bite-sized enough for LinkedIn engagement. These scrolling infographics were the perfect way to engage viewers and educate our audience on complicated topics, such as the RoHS and REACH regulations. This piece in particular was a top performer on our LinkedIn page in 2022 (viewable here), and has been reposted several times since then.
Data Visualization
The left GIF was a simple breakdown of a hot topic, to promote a piece of content that we had just release. 

The right GIF was an accompaniment to a report created by a colleague, and was posted to Linkedin.
Posted to Linkedin.
Posted to Linkedin.
Holiday Greeting 2022
Some holiday fun, using the triangles of our logo as a candle flame! It was sent internally to Assent clients, shared on local Slack channels, and posted to LinkedIn​​​​​​​
Learning Platform Promo
An older piece from 2018. Our video team was slammed at the time, so I stepped in to create this video to promote a learning platform to internal clients. 
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